A new group of anamorphic pinole photographs that I shot over the summer. I printed them as cyanotypes and toned them using green tea.
Category: Pinhole
Winter Pinhole
Arista Litho Film
I have been shooting Arista Ortho Litho Film 3.0 in my Zero Image 45 pinhole camera. I had been developing in Dektol 1:30 but found the contrast to be a little high. This time I exposed at an ISO of 3 and developed for 3 minutes in Dektol 1:10 with added Potassium Bromide as a restrainer. The images could have used more exposure but overall I am pleased with the results.
Thingyfy Pinhole Pro S
I purchased the Thingyfy pinhole lens for my Micro 4/3 camera. Nice all metal build quality. With a focal length of 11mm and an aperture of f74 it has a very wide angle of view.
Scura – again
Shot another roll of Fomapan 100 in the Scura pinhole camera and got much better results.
I bought the Scura pinhole camera from Dora Goodman. It is a 3d printed camera that you have to assemble yourself. It is a curved film plane panorama camera that I found to have a very strange aspect ratio.
As much as I want to love the camera, unfortunately I find the aspect ratio not to my liking.
More Gum Bichromate
Continuing to print from the archives. The following are zone plate images take with a digital camera. Printed with two layers of ivory black and two layers of burnt umber. The images are perhaps a little less defined than I had intended..
Gum Bichromate
I have been printing some of the images from the “Quiet Light” series as gum bichromate prints. Printed on pre-shrunk and sized Fabriano Artistico watercolour paper using potassium dichromate as the sensitizer. I usually print a weak layer of ivory black followed by a layer of burnt umber and finished with another layer of ivory black.
I had a desire to work with circular images so I created a camera out of a tea tin and cut photo paper with a circle cutter to fit. In the end it proved to be more work than it was worth.
Anamorphic Pinhole
This anamorphic pinhole camera is made from a metal can with the pinhole at one end. I had the shutter 3d printed. The camera takes half a sheet of 8×10 photographic paper to produce the negative.